- 名前
- 岡野 大
- 身分
- 愛媛大学大学院理工学研究科准教授
- 研究分野
- 数値解析、計算科学、情報工学
- 住所
- 愛媛県松山市文京町3番
- 電子メール
- okano@cs.ehime-u.ac.jp
- 電話
- 089-927-9756
- ファックス
- 089-927-9761 (研究室宛)
- 2009
- 代用電荷法による平行/共線スリット領域への数値等角写像,
天野 要, 遠藤 慶一, 岡野 大, 李 涛,
情報処理学会論文誌:コンピューティングシステム, Vol.2, No.4, pp.83--94.
天野 要, 遠藤 慶一, 岡野 大, 鳳 弘勝, 李 涛,
情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.50, No.8, pp.1775--1779.
- 2005
Bi-directional Method for Numerical Conformal Mappings of Multiply Connected Domains by the Charge Simulation Method,
Okano, D., Terazono, M., Amano, K. and Ogata, H.,
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics -- Proceedings of the 54th Japan National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol.54, pp. 357--363.
A numerical conformal mapping onto the radial slit domain by the charge simulation method,
Amano, K., Okano, D. Ogata, H. and Sugihara, M.,
Information, Vol.8, No.2, pp.203--212.
- 2004
A numerical conformal mapping onto the radial slit domain by the charge simulation method,
Amano, K., Okano, D., Tamai, M., Shimada, H. and Ogata, H.,
Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Information (Edited by Lei Li and Kang K. Yen), International Information Institute, pp.384-387.
天野 要,玉井政行,岡野 大,緒方秀教,杉原正顯,
情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.45, No.5, pp.1322--1325.
- 2003
小西 敏雄, 岡野 大, 緒方 秀教, 芝田 安裕, 天野 要, 福士 景頁士, 濱田 治良, 今井 四郎,
情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.44, No.8, pp.2274--2283
Unique solvability of the linear system appearing in the invariant scheme of the charge simulation method,
Ogata, H., Okano, D., Sugihara, M. and Amano, K.,
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol.20, No.1, pp.17--35.
Numerical conformal mappings of bounded multiply connected domains by the charge simulation method,
Okano, D., Ogata, H., Amano, K., and Sugihara, M.,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Vol.159, pp.109--17.
A fundamental solution method for viscous flow problems with obstacles in a periodic array,
Ogata, H., Amano, K., Sugihara, M. and Okano, D.,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Vol.152, No.1--2, pp.411--425.
A method of numerical conformal mapping of curved slit domains by the charge simulation method,
Okano, D., Ogata, H. and Amano, K.,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (Proceedings of the ICRACM 2001) Vol.152, No.1--2, pp.441--450.
Numerical conformal mapping from domains with multiple slits onto the canonical slit domains by the charge simulation method,
Okano, D., Terazono, M., Ogata, H. and Amano, K.,
Information, Vol.6, No.1, pp.107--118.
Numerical conformal mappings of unbounded multiply-connected domains using the charge simulation method,
Amano, K., Okano, D., Ogata, H. and Sugihara, M.,
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Vol.26, No.1, pp.35-51.
- 2002
芝田 安裕,高崎 昌浩,小西 敏雄,岡野 大,緒方 秀教,天野 要,
情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.43, No.12, pp.4067--4070.
Computations of the forces on obstacles in two-dimensional potential flows by the charge simulation method,
Ogata, H., Okano, D. and Amano, K.,
Information, Vol.5, No.3, pp.307--318.
Numerical conformal mapping of periodic structure domains,
Ogata, H., Okano, D. and Amano, K.,
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.19, No.2, pp.257--275.
岡野 大,牧 直正,緒方秀教,天野 要,
情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.43, No.5, pp.1382--1389.
- 2001
Stagnation point analysis by the numerical conformal mapping using the
charge simulation method,
Okano, D., Ogata, H. and Amano, K.,
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Proceedings of the 50th Japan
National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Edited by
Watanabe, E.), Vol.50, pp.303--309, Hokusensha
天野 要,岡野 大,緒方 秀教,芝田 安裕,小西 敏雄,福士 〓士,濱田 治良,今井 四郎,
情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.42, No.11, pp.2733--2742.
Experiment on numerical conformal mapping of unbounded multiply connected domain in fundamental solutions method,
Inoue, T., Kuhara, H., Amano, K. and Okano, D.,
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.26, No.1, pp.55--63.
天野 要,岡野 大,緒方 秀教,下平 博巳,杉原 正顯,
情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.42, No.3, pp.385--395.
Continuous schemes of numerical conformal mapping by the charge simulation method,
Amano, K., Okano, D., Ogata, H., Katayama, S. and Maki, M.,
Information, Vol.4, No.1, pp.37--48.
- 2000
- An integral equation method of numerical conformal mapping onto
parallel, circular, and radial slit domains,
Okano, D. and Amano, K.
Proceedings of the Second Congress ISAAC (International Society for
Analysis, its Applications and Computation), Kluwer Vol.1, pp.375--382
- Numerical conformal mapping by the charge simulation method and its
application to potential flow analysis,
Amano, K., Okano, D., Shimohira, H. and Sugihara, M.,
Proceedings of the Second Congress ISAAC (International Society for
Analysis, its Applications and Computation), Kluwer Vol.1, pp.329--336
Theoretical scheme on numerical conformal mapping of unbounded multiply connected domain by fundamental solutions method,
Inoue, T., Kuhara, H., Amano, K. and Okano, D.,
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.24, No.2, pp.129--137
天野 要, 岡野 大, 緒方 秀教,
情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.41, No.4, pp.998--1008
- 1999
- Numerical conformal mapping onto parallel, circular and radial slit
Amano, K., Okano, D., Shimohira, H. and Sugihara, M.,
Advances in Numerical Mathematics (Proceedings of The Fourth
Japan-China Joint Seminar on Numerical Mathematics, Edited by Kawarada,
H., Nakamura M. and Shi, Z.), Mathematical Sciences and Applications,
Vol.12, pp.1--10, Gakko-tosho
- Theoretical base and mathematical property of schemes for numerical
conformal mappings in the charge simulation method
Inoue, T., Amano, K. and Okano, D.
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, (Proceedings of the 48th Japan
National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Edited by
Miyake, Y.), Vol.48, pp.425--429 Hokusensha
On the numerical conformal mapping of multiply-connected domains
Amano, K. and Okano, D.}{Information, Vol.2, No.1, pp.17--25